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Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy 

People are re-discovering the benefits of cupping, from Olympic athletes to pregnant pop singers. You may have even seen people with those distinctive red rings on their backs and shoulders at your gym or swimming pool. Cupping therapy is becoming more popular to get rid of muscle stiffness that hasn't gone away. Did you know, though, that cupping can be used to treat a wide range of different ailments?
Advantages of cupping therapy

1. Increases circulation.

The cups' suction improves circulation in the area where they are inserted. The increased blood flow to that area can aid in the relaxation of muscles and the repair of damaged cells. Cupping can also assist in minimizing the appearance of cellulite by increasing circulation.

2. It encourages tissues to release toxins.

Yes, you have organs in your body that remove poisons from the bloodstream. The modern lifestyle, on the other hand, overburdens your body with poisons. Your body's ability to eliminate toxins is aided by cupping. By eliminating impurities through the lymphatic system, a well-focused blood flow is beneficial to your health.

3. Reduces anxiety.

The parasympathetic nervous system activates when your therapist glides the cups across your skin. This allows you to relax deeply throughout your entire body. The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of lowering your heart rate, aiding digestion, and stimulating the work of your intestines and glands.

4. Reduces stretch marks and scars.

Increased blood flow allows your body to flush out toxins, improves lymphatic circulation, and aids in the removal of edema (extra fluid), which helps scarring appear less visible. Even in locations far from where the cups are administered, studies have shown that cupping has a favorable effect on stretch marks and scars.

5. Improves varicose veins and spider veins.

Usually, in the legs and feet, varicose veins appear as bulging, blue veins immediately beneath the skin. They occur when the valves inside the vein fail to correctly push blood back to the heart from the muscle, causing the blood to congest and the veins to twist and bulge. Cupping with equipment from Shockwave Canada aids in the re-introduction of oxygen and blood flow to the afflicted areas.

6. It can clear congestion and help treat asthma. 

Cupping can relieve congestion caused by a cold, bronchitis, or even asthma. Cups' suction helps to break up and eliminate congestion. It carries oxygen-rich blood and lymph to your lungs and other respiratory muscles, allowing you to breathe easier. Cups are typically placed on your back, but they can also be placed on your chest. To help the lymph fluid travel more easily, your therapist may keep the cups in place or gradually glide them upward. 

7. It can clear blockages and aid indigestion.

The parasympathetic nervous system, which improves blood flow to the digestive tract, is stimulated by cupping. The insides of your digestive organs are also stimulated by gentle cupping across the abdomen. It aids in peristalsis, aids in the clearing of colon obstructions, aids in the flow of blood and body fluids through your organs, and aids in the relief of indigestion.
Cupping has a long list of health benefits, so consider a monthly membership for further savings and convenience as you get regular massages, cupping, infrared saunas, and acupuncture. You can also find out more here if you want quality cupping equipment. 
Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy
