Alexandra Sligar's profile

Flowers in my Neighbourhood - Photo Portfolio

Flowers in my Neighbourhood - Photo Portfolio
"Flame Bottletree"
"Orange Jasmine"
"Hong Kong Orchid"
"Spiral Ginger"
"Lilly Pilly"
The theme of my folio is “flowers in my neighborhood”.  The flowers of my home suburb bring me to a place of familiarity and safety.  I have many fond childhood memories of playing in the flowers, or just spending time with family in nature.  Whenever I am stressed or sad, I come to the flowers to relax, to find peace amongst nature, to bring me back to myself.  Flowers inspire happiness and joy.  They are proven to improve one’s mood, increase positivity levels, and promote an optimistic life outlook.  Their natural aesthetic beauty promotes a pleasing stimulation. 

My photos maintain a consistent, simple yet strong visual style.  They are taken in the daytime, with natural sunlight.  Key subject matter (flowers) is composed using Rule of Thirds, to achieve visual interest and a pleasing composition.  Flowers are photographed close up, using a shallow depth of field, to highlight the flower as the focal point.  Flowers help remind me to focus on the positive aspects of life, leaving the negatives behind. 

Flowers in my Neighbourhood - Photo Portfolio

Flowers in my Neighbourhood - Photo Portfolio
