SAPUM / soap decorative-utility object
AUTHORS: Akad. soch. Štefan Kovaľ and Mgr. art. Annamária Mikulíková
Material: certified, ecological transparent soap mass
The aim of the project was to create an utility - decorative object with a temporary character.

The object is made of certified, ecological transparent soap mass that can be washed in the process of use. By layering colors and layers of material, interesting aesthetic effects are created. In the process of use, the volume naturally decreases over time, making the immediately occurring phenomena reminiscent of stones washed away by water, organic shapes created by nature. The authors had the opportunity to experiment with the color scale, shape of the object and the optical effects of the material.

This innovative approach to the natural consumption of utility items has developed valuable experience in working with new material that could be applied to other utility items. The design looks decorative especially as a central element of wellness interiors.

The design of the concept, its sculptural-decorative and procedural character predetermine this object by placing it in space on the central element of the interior. Experimenting with highly malleable material gives this a wide range of possibilities for expressing the central idea and aesthetic moments.
The non-dispersing soap mass retains the shape and appearance of frosted clear glass. Therefore, the authors of the project used these optical properties and embodied a high aesthetic design of the concept in the building.

Despite the fact that the chemical industry has made significant progress in reducing its environmental footprint, safety measures are still consistent. Chemicals can have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Negative effects of the change, especially substances that we label as persistent, bio-accumulative and / or serious (eg PCBs, dioxins).

The utility object / bowl is created by combining optical and physical phenomena such as transparency, layering, erosion of the material under the influence of running water. By its wear and washing, the mass of the utility object changes its shape into organic forms until it is completely consumed over time.
This project was used to master new technology, finding new sustainable principles of production of utility items. The innovative approach in the application of this material gives the project the potential to develop other original products or packaging solutions, which the authors plan to devote in the near future.
This project is an experiment underlining a common environmental context.




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