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Jesper Ryom – Nights (Official Music Video)

Have you ever experienced feeling nostalgic in the vast nature surrounded only by the quietness, and the sound of shimmering stars in the night sky?

The music; Nights, created by Jesper Ryom takes you into the wilderness where you feel the freedom of the endless horizons and meet a child that is you and me, and us. And we had the great pleasure to collaborate on this music video given with full creative freedom.

From concepting to the final delivery, our primary goal was to invite the audience to deeply engage with the music and follow along with our delicate visual interpretation; which would then synergize the immersive experience. 

Our approach was to touch one’s emotions and feelings softly during the different stages of the music and narrate the visual story chronologically. From a nostalgic memory of being a child to adulthood; we believe it’s the most subjective voyage, yet the most representative way to express one’s life that anyone can relate to. 

We then immersed ourselves into the story we built and translated the unique visual language by employing looping techniques, exquisite animation, a vivid and wide range of color palettes, thoughtful transitions between the scenes, and emotionally illustrated style frames.

Directed by : Mathijs Luijten
Producer : Mathijs Luijten
Concept & Story Development : Mathijs Luijten, Sofie Lee
Art Direction & Illustration : Sofie Lee
Animation : Mathijs Luijten
Additional Animation : Will Pietsch

Musician : Jesper Ryom
Label : Gautier De Bosredon (delicieuse-musique)

[01. Concept Development & Rough Animation]

[02. Animatic]

[03. Character & Plant Explorations]

[04. Clean-up Animation]

[05. Style & Color Explorations]

[06. Colorboard]

[07. Styleframes] 

Thank you for watching! 
You can follow us on Instagram / Twitter to see more work: 
@mathijsluijten @sofieleeya​​​​​​​

Jesper Ryom – Nights (Official Music Video)

Jesper Ryom – Nights (Official Music Video)
