Employer Branding – How Important Is Your Employer Brand?

In any organization, the skills and dedication of the workforce is the life force that drives its future. You want to attract the best possible talent to your company and retain it for the long term for the continued success of your business.
Employer branding is critical to achieving this goal. How effectively you market the values ​​that underpin your organization, emphasize the unique benefits of working for your company, and demonstrate a strong, defined culture will have a powerful influence on your ability to capture the imagination of those at the top of the talent pool. .
This guide is designed to help you unlock the true potential of your employer brand in 2021 and beyond. Sit back and discover everything you need to know in the current landscape.

What is the employer brand?
Employer branding in its most basic form is the way a company promotes itself as a place to work. It comes from the company's external reputation as a business and the way its employees view it. Having an effective employer brand can lead to benefits including:
Reduction of staff turnover.
< >Attraction of high-quality talentHelp in retaining valuable employeesLess money spent on hiring new staffCommitted employeesEmployer branding agency and corporate branding differ in that the latter focuses on a value proposition for customers, defining what your organization offers to the market.

How has the global pandemic changed employer branding?
The devastating fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic changed the marketing landscape multiple times, and employer branding was not immune to its effects. While the pandemic itself will eventually subside, its ramifications will live on much longer.
In times of crisis like the one many around the world experienced in 2020, or the uncertainty with which we entered 2021, employer brand audits teams will need to work harder to meet the expectations of available talent and existing employees.
Here's a breakdown of what's changed for employer branding since the start of the 2020s, and how you can adapt to meet this new landscape.

Values ​​matter more than ever
The consequences of COVID-19 have put a magnifying glass on the company's values ​​like never before. The worst corporate responses to the pandemic have made talent particularly skeptical of the values ​​an employer brand emphasizes. To combat this, employer brand teams must do everything they can to demonstrate these values ​​in action through their content.
Promote the ways you've prioritized the well-being of your employees during this challenging period, and tap into employee stories of how they've appreciated your support in these strange times.
Any authentic story of this nature will resonate with potential employees like never before, helping your company stand out as a destination that cares about its team.

The need for clear communication.
The excessive amount of misinformation and rumors around the global pandemic has made it more important for employer brands to provide clarity and consistency to both existing employees and available talent.
To meet people's need for clarity in times of great uncertainty, employer brand managers must:
< >Facilitate regular meetings/video conference calls with teams to communicate important information and check on employee well-beingHost up-to-date company policies and guidelines in a shared and accessible spaceShare positive events and stories when possible to build morale.Approach any bad news with seriousness and empathy.Investigate simple chat/workflow management systems that will keep remote employees connected.employer branding India goes beyond simply posting company updates and recruiting campaigns on LinkedIn. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, and Pinterest can be great places to represent your employer brand.

But it's easy to go wrong on social media. When using your employer brand through social media, remember it's a conversation, not a soapbox. Your first step should be to understand the conversation that people are already having about your company. Then join.
Here are some tools that can help you discover what people are already saying about your company:
< >Social mention: These tools analyze what people have been saying about you on social media and provide useful data, such as the number of comments that are generally positive compared to those that are negative.Google Alerts: Google's free alerts service is a great way to find out what's being said about your business and have it delivered right to your inbox.https://carpediem.in/




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