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台電南部展示館 Taipower Exhibit Center in Southern Taiwan Area

Taipower Exhibit Center in Southern Taiwan Area

碩大核能發電廠的構造與電力產生過程,濃縮在一整面展牆,觀者可用搖桿控制放大鏡,了解各重要區域。電力只能來自於水力、火力或核能嗎? 能源奇想帶領您了解起司、綠藻、足球等有趣的發電方式。發展綠能發電、智慧電網、再生能源等能源技術,若能取其精華,降低碳排放量,想像一下,城市會變得多麼地清新美好。
The development of electricity has brought us great convenience, but how is electricity generated? What is the environmental impact of electricity generation? How is the world working towards a low-carbon city? The Taipower Exhibit Center in Southern Taiwan will answer each question in an interesting way.

The construction of the nuclear power plant and the power generation process is concentrated on an entire exhibition wall, and viewers can use a joystick to control a magnifying glass to understand each important area. Can electricity only come from hydro, thermal, or nuclear sources? “Energy wonder” takes you on a tour of cheese, green algae, football, and other fun ways to generate electricity. The development of energy technologies such as green power, smart grid, renewable energy, etc., if the best of these technologies can be harnessed to reduce carbon emissions, just imagine how much fresher and more beautiful our cities will be.

客戶 Client|扶茂室內裝修設計有限公司
創意總監 Director |Maxray Lin
專案經理 Project Manager|Amy Tsui
美術設計 Designer|Cindy Cheng /  Ciao Chang / Kabi Vong
程式 Programmer|Frankiy Huang / Oscar Liu / Robert Cheng

台電南部展示館 Taipower Exhibit Center in Southern Taiwan Area

台電南部展示館 Taipower Exhibit Center in Southern Taiwan Area


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