As cloud products become more prevalent with the ubiquity of mobile devices over time, a person's device storage gets saturated with content classes such as photos, videos, audio files, and documents. If a person is using a cloud account, they would then have this content available in two places: their local device and their cloud. 

As a person with a cloud account, they can use Space Saver, and would have the ability to delete content that is on their local device, thus freeing up device storage, helping to improve device ability. 

A person will have the option to choose the data class types they want the app to delete locally, and whether or not they can decide to clean once, or select a continuous cleanup option which would help ensure their device's storage wouldn't max out.

A person should be presented with the amount of storage they saved and the number of files removed to save space. In this case, removed means from the local device, NOT the Cloud. Removed means that in iOS they are placed in trash, pending permanently delete (30 day period), and on Android can be deleted immediately. 

A person should get to the Content cleanup in Settings > Tools > Space Saver. A person will also receive Notifications on their device alerting them of low storage, and how Space Saver can help free up device storage. 

Elevator pitch
For cloud users
Who want to have more free storage on their device
The local space saver
Is a tool
That automatically detects videos that were backed up to the Cloud and lets the user erase them
Unlike the other solutions which tie the Cloud storage to the local storage
Our solution let users govern the videos and other content that will be stored locally and remotely (in the Cloud)

This feature utilized: 
Experience Design
Rapid Prototyping
User Testing
Agile Sprint Planning 

This feature is available on: 
🤖 Android
📱 iPhone
User Testing
During user qualitative testing, there was very positive feedback for this utility. People were asked On a scale of 1-5 (5 being very useful), please tell us how useful you think this utility would be. In one test 5 (very useful) was a unanimous choice, and we then asked them to briefly explain why they chose that answer. Include as much detail as possible as to you why you think this utility is useful or not. The metric below illustrates their overall positivity to this utility. 
Kano Study
When a Kano study was done describing and asking about this cloud utility, it landed in the "sweet spot" of the Kano board. Anything that lands in the upper right of a Kano board is definitely worth looking at. 

User feedback consisted of comments like: 

"I love the idea that I can clearup space on my phone."

"I would enjoy using this because everyday it's common that you're taking screenshots of things that you only need in the moment and don't intend to keep forever..."

Space Saver

Space Saver



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