
For this project, we first had to create an alphabet and then create a GIF to show each letter of it. 

Second, we will group our alphabet with two other students. Together, we will choose 2 quotes (which we created with parts of French songs during our computer graphics course). The final idea is to write our two quotes on a poster with our three alphabets mixed together.
First things first, we had to do research and try techniques to create our letters.
Then I chose each letter of the alphabet I wanted  to keep and I made a poster and a GIF with it.
The second part was in groups.
The two quotes we made were (translated here for you):
- Victim of amnesia when he takes me in his arms
- I have nothing of a wise my emotional terrain is very unstable
And then we ended up printing these on fabric at our screen printing course. The best prints were given to our teacher, but he never gave them back to us so these have some flaws. And sorry for the bad photo quality.
Thank you for watching!
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