Andrew Young's profile

Coffee Maker Ergonomic Redesign Project

Coffee Maker Ergonomic Redesign Project
Jan 2017 - May 2017

Associated with Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Binghamton University
• Worked on a team to reverse engineer a Keurig to better fit people with hand tremors
• Disassembled and analyzed Keurig parts using CAD modeling
• Redesigned the Keurig with a more ergonomic design using AutoCAD 
• Modified the cup to include a gyroscopic handle technology
Features of Final Design
Keurig-like model 
Voice activation/command capabilities
Safety mugs with gyroscopic handle
Magnetic tray
Large Color Coded buttons 
Display screen
Non-slip grooves on cap
Large removable water tank
Coffee Maker Ergonomic Redesign Project

Coffee Maker Ergonomic Redesign Project
