This year of 2022, I plan on concentrating on endangered species on planet earth. Each day of the week I will be posting an image of each species. Feel free to make comments. I hope you enjoy each digital rendering of each one. Be sure to visit my website:

"Bengal Tiger"
Bengal tigers have a heavy, somewhat stocky build and their round face is framed by short, thick fur. Bengal tigers vary in color from rich orange to light yellow with stripes that vary from pale gray to deep black.
Bengal Tigers are found in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan as well as in parts of Russia and China too.
Bengal tigers are found in lowland tropical rainforests and grasslands, where they hunt deer and wild pigs. Bengal tigers may swim across rivers and pursue prey along the banks or lurk within reeds until prey comes close enough for a sudden lunge. Bengal tigers will also eat snakes, monkeys, birds, and even other Bengal tigers too.
Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tiger
