Bedroom Stories
For this assignment, we had to re-create our bedroom in 3D using Blender. We got taught how to make objects in Blender, experiment with a few Modifiers, how to add textures and different lighting techniques.
Personal Goals
Because this was the first time we really started to work in Blender, I really didn't know a lot about the program and how things worked. So I really wanted to focus on getting to know the program, and taking lots of notes so that it would be easier to use Blender for my next projects.
This project was 4 weeks long, so we had 4 classes with a teacher who explained every little thing we needed to know. The first week was for basic stuff like shortkeys, placing objects and using tools like Extrude or Inset Faces to transform the objects. 
In week 2, he taught us how to create cloths and pillows, using Modifiers and Sculpting. In week 3, he explained all the basic stuff about adding textures and materials, and in week 4 he gave us some tips and tricks on how to make the lighting look good.
Unfortunately for me, I don't have a simple square room, I live in the attic. So creating a triangle shape was already a challenge. After that, I added a wooden beam and a window, which was also a little bit difficult, but I figured it out with the help of the teacher.
After that, I added in all the basic furniture in my room, like my bed, closet and desk. 
The next week, I added in the bed sheets and my pillow. I added my nightstand, changed a few small things and added the curtains that turned my bed into a pillow fort. Yes, this is really what my room looks like. 
I added in a few basic lights, the same ones I have in my bedroom. I also already added all the textures, unfortunately I don't have any process screenshots of that.
In the last week, the teacher explained to us how to use Ambient Lighting, to give the final render some more realistic lighting. I used this picture purely for the lighting, and didn't really think of how weird it would look to have a bedroom floating around in a grass field.
End Result
Evaluation & Feedback
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, seeing as I barely had any experience with Blender before I started this project. The textures and lighting effects make the room look way more realistic, and I'm happy with how the bed sheets & pillow turned out. The two curtains also look pretty good, while those were the most difficult objects to make.
The teacher gave me two V's. "Quite a minimal scene but the lighting is really good on this and a little tricky to model. The scene came out nice!"
Bedroom Stories


Bedroom Stories



Creative Fields