DA bureau's profile

FISH FETISH restaurant

FISH FETISH restaurant

Year: 2021
Total area: 120m2
Location: Moscow, Russia
Photos by: Dmitrii Tsyrenshchikov​​​​​​​

Fish Fetish is a seafood restaurant in the very centre of Moscow with an ambitious and challenging concept.




The key focus of the restaurant’s design was the creation of an extraordinary maritime space with some hints of fetishism, a place where both fish and fetish are equally balanced. DA bureau aspired to highlight the duality of the project – uncharted depth of the ocean and obscure human desires.

This project is based on double meanings and second-order associations. It offers a curious interpretation of the seabed in a minimalistic and provocative design that combines both marine life and fetishistic images.
Fish is not depicted here with scales or fins, but rather with a modern interpretation of sea stones, crabs, corals, and jellyfish.

The central point of the space is an open kitchen. It is a true pearl of the restaurant. It is carefully guarded by huge latex octopus tentacles and a variety of other kinds of marine life. These are enlaced with luminous jellyfish tentacles, well-textured corals, and bright algae that also show up in the design of the entrance to the restaurant.

The space has practically no straight lines or sharp corners, which creates, along with diffused soft light reflected from metal panels, a biomorphic environment with blurred lines and contrasting oceanic textures. All elements seem to be in dynamics, either smooth or rhythmic, thus creating an effect of a moving aquatic environment.
Streamlined shapes and slender tubular structures intertwine, building harmonious, sexually seductive outlines against the background of boundless ocean.

FISH FETISH restaurant