2020. Charitable.

Design Sprint, group effort. Answering the challenge question "How might we reinforce a culture of generosity by creating charitable giving solutions that are more accessible, inclusive, and effective?" we designed a prototype for a social media app that is exclusively for helping non profit organizations. Our research highlighted the idea that "giving is contagious" but also that there is a concern about how their donated funds will be spent. 

Lisa Geremia - Iyana Robinson - Rifa Bakth

2020. Reinventing the Ballot Box.

 Group project. We answered the challenge question, "How might the frustration and political engagement of young people be activated to mobilize the 49% (of eligible voters) that do not vote?" with a collaboration between the City of Detroit and StockX, a brand favored by the target demographic. Our research showed us that 18-29 year olds have the lowest voter turn out. It turns out this demographic is very socially aware and active yet lack the knowledge and resources to make decisions in the voting booth. This is compounded with other obstacles such as lack of transportation and unstable housing. The Ballot Box is designed to have digital, sharable information to educate about voting decisions so the voter feels confident participating in all elections, local & federal. The Ballot Box comes with a mail-in ballot as well along with functional merchandise. Engaging, Informational and Fun. 

Our group comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds, strengths & majors.

Lisa Geremia - Sophia Thanoi - Naabia Romain - Mary Consiglio - Ravyn Dobine


