A brand new collection of layouts created over the past few months.
Might be the simplest layout created as it uses a real world item to capture the history of the series that it is based on, and at a glance most people who know classic technology will recognize it.
Another classic that at a glance should tell the user, or viewer, everything they need to know about what is being played or shown off, while it is based on a long standing game series, it also can apply to almost anything from a horror or monster genre.
my goal with layouts lately has been to capture the look and feel of the game or series being played so that one layout can spread over multiple games within the series, without needing to create something new every time.
There are not many layouts I have created that can really apply to multiple games from a series, these are only small examples of the work I have done. As time goes on this particular project may find itself getting worked on more and more, expanding further to other games and genres. Please feel free to follow for me, and I am always open for critiques and positive criticism.
Blanket Layouts


Blanket Layouts
