Steffi Chiramel's profile


One million announcement strategy
A sanitary pad brand is just about to hit 1 million fans on Facebook. To announce when it does, create a digital media strategy with a video script outline.
Topical campaign for World Asthma Day
Create a campaign for World Asthma Day, using 2 different execution and communication strategies to speak to Cipla’s 2 audiences – asthmatics and doctors

The Objective: Cipla wants to urge asthmatics to adopt inhalers because they are a safe and effective way to treat asthma. Cipla also wants to engage doctors and strengthen their relationship with doctors since they wish for doctors to prescribe their inhalers.

The Barriers: Social stigma around asthma and inhalers, inhalers are a symbol of weakness, asthmatics are considered weak, made fun of. Myths about inhalers are widely prevalent – that they stunt growth, they are addictive, they are too expensive, they are too heavy – all false

The Drivers: Inhalers have 20X less dosage than tablets, they have very less chances of side effects and reach the lungs directly providing quick relief

The Rule: Since inhalers are supposed to be given by prescription only, the brand cannot sell or ask the audience to buy them. They can only tell people to speak to their doctor about inhalers, and not specifically Cipla inhalers since the brand cannot advertise this product. Feel free (it’s optional) to use influencers, asthmatic or non-asthmatic, whichever suits your idea best.
Rio's localisation campaign

The Product
Rio, a product designed for women who are using multiple pads at the same time,  the ones who are checking for stains on an hourly basis, the ones who set 2 hour alarms every night, the ones who experience heavy flow.

The Rio Personality
Extremely honest, self assured and bold (Was India’s first sanitary brand to show real blood on screen)

The Objective:
To reach more regional audiences with its content

Different content formats that would resonate with regional audiences that are not familiar with ‘heavy flow communication’. Then, structure it into a 360-degree campaign ( topics to talk about, visual formats to use, types of assets) and promote it using multiple avenues, online or offline.
Foodhall Campaign
Foodhall prides itself on housing the freshest vegetables and fruits. However, of late they’ve noticed that 10% of perfectly healthy fruits and vegetables are wasted and never picked up by people because they have a mark, a dent or a discolouration somewhere on their skins.
These marks, dents or discolourations are natural, and not an indicator that the fruit/veggie has spoiled or isn’t fresh. But because they lie on the store shelves for ages, they end up having to be thrown because nobody buys them, resulting in high food wastage.

Foodhall wants to convince its customers that all of these fruits and veggies are perfectly edible and safe to buy. How should they go about this using a previously unexplored platform solution?




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