Juliana Hernandez's profile

The Mars Colonization Project: ART 1510


I made a mind-map stemming from the word list on the project sheet. After exploring a couple of different options, I decided on the Mars advertisement. I made a layout of all of the pages I wanted in my pamphlet. I had to conduct a lot of research for this project. I mostly used the NASA website for information about rockets, habitats, life on Mars, etc. I used all of this research in my pamphlet.

I drew all of the illustrations for the pamphlet with Sharpie on paper. I then scanned in all of the images to be used in InDesign where I made the pamphlet.

This project was about the future of human civilization. Set in 2784, I created a pamphlet advertising the Mars Colonization Project and informing people about their new lives on Mars. In this future, Earth has been destroyed by pollution, deforestation, and overconsumption, thus we need to relocate and start over. It takes an activist approach and calls attention to our current actions as well as representing the natural planet of Mars. After completing the InDesign document, I printed it out on newsprint that I cut out and then stapled it.
The Mars Colonization Project: ART 1510

The Mars Colonization Project: ART 1510
