A typographic magazine inspired by Karel Martens, Claude Garamond,
Stefan Sagmeister, Marian Bantjes and Timothy Goodman.

This was a school assignment I did at NKH my second year.
The task was to experiment with typography.
We had to take inspiration from the designers, and make our own work. 
Inspiration Karel Martens, "Let the object speak!"
Inspiration Claude Garamond, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." by R.W. Emmerson
Inspiration Marian Bantjes, "Do what you love"
Inspiration Stefan Sagmeister, "Having guts always works out for me" by Sagmeister
Inspiration Timothy Goodman, "You´re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think" by Christopher Robin. (Winnie the Pooh)
Do What You Love
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
- R.W. Emerson.
Handdrawn quote for the Garamond page. 
Typo Magazine

Typo Magazine

Typo Magazine Experimenting with typography
