Pedro Gonzalez's profile

Working Better App Design

Working Better App
Pomodoro Principle: You can finish any task if you compromise to work on it for 25 minutes without distractions. If the set task is not easy, you can set up short milestones of 25 minutes each and take 5-minute breaks between each doing something different.
The Working Better App was designed to improve the efficiency of the workers in a company to complete tasks based on the Pomodoro Principle. To make it more interesting than just running a chromometer. I proposed to use the principles of gamification, healthy competition, and receiving rewards.

At the beginning of my ideation process, I tried to think of activities related to the theme of a count-down like a microwave, the deactivation of a bomb, and even the tale of Humpty Dumpty falling from a wall. Unfortunately, the app's target audience consisted of workers from a company which values were against any violent or negative message. So, I had to modify and censor those concepts.

Part of my inspiration in Humpty Dumpty was because, during my Bachelor degree in Engineering, we had the project of building something that helped an egg survive the fall from the top of a building. In that case, my solution was making a parachute from recycling materials. So, that is when my mind decided to keep the idea of using eggs as my main characters but at the same time use the concept of military aviation. That way, even when eggs would still be falling from the sky, they would fall into water which in a certain way would soften their fall and dressing them as pilots would even add a fun appearance.

This new theme allowed me to play with the military slang and some related concepts like registering a solo or team mission, a medical check-up to register the motivation level for each registered task and indicate target zone depending on the priority and difficulty of the goal.
Once you created a mission, an animation of a skydiving “soldier egg” runs along with a 25 minutes timer, + 5 default additional seconds. 

When you complete your task you need to press the parachute button to save your soldier before it drowns into the ocean. Each successful mission would give you 5 points and 5 stars, while an unsuccessful mission would discount you 5 points and give you 0 stars.
Points would help you "level up" by receiving a different Rank once a certain goal of point is reached. While Stars would be used to invest on the support of cause of different participating foundations. Each player would be able to obtain certain Medals for their profiles, after achieving some preestablished goals to motivate them to participate actively.
Between the additional functions of the app, the players would be able to register future solo or team missions and set alarms for each. As well of changing the language off the app between English and Spanish, for them to practice.
Working Better App Design


Working Better App Design
