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Coffee Fantasy | 11 | Ethiopia Adado

Coffee Fantasy | 11 | Ethiopia Adado

蒸餾 — 非洲文化之美
Distillation—The beauty of African culture

// Ethiopia Adado主要聚焦於埃塞俄比亞的非洲文化。在非洲,以頭頂東西作運送之用是其一道特別的風景線,故此插畫結合了這此別樹一格且為人熟知的生活文化,希望以咖啡為載體帶出非洲文化的獨到之美。

主角以非洲部落民族穆爾西族(MURSI)為藍本,配以當地傳統的打扮與裝飾,讓其躍然紙上。面部呈現了民族常見的白灰裝飾圖案,身上佩戴著各種 以象牙、珠子、葉片等組合而成的配飾,齒輪巧妙地融入其中,層層堆疊出了他們獨特的衣著風格。邊框揉合了當地建築與服飾的圖案,民族所鍾情的繪製在身體之白灰花紋亦是不可缺少的創作元素。手持著蒸餾壺的主角置身其中,正輕輕地托起管道向眾人展示著咖啡製作中的蒸餾工序,亦靜待著咖啡的精華緩緩注入了頭頂的杯中。

// The design of Ethiopia Adado is centered around the African culture in Ethiopia . The scene of head-carrying practices is still an extraordinary spectacle nowhere to be found. This distinctive lifestyle is celebrated in the graphics, where coffee is rendered as a signature to highlight the uniqueness of African culture. 

The heroine is modelled after Mursi, an ethnic group in the Southwest corner of Ethiopia, with vivid portraits of the traditional tribal clothing and accessories. The greyish white decorative paintings on her face, as well as body chains consisting of ivory, beads and leafs, enrich the layers of the tribe's dressing styles. The frame is a mixture of local architectural artistry and patterns of ethnic dressings. The beloved greyish white body paintings have been unarguably added to complete the design. The central character, who gracefully holds the distilling pot in her palm, showcases the distillation process and extracts the best of coffee to fill the cup on her head.   

Design Director: Woody Chau
Art Director: Can Chan
Illustration: Can Chan, Rita Leung
Story by: Peter Law @Espresso Alchemy

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Coffee Fantasy | 11 | Ethiopia Adado

Project Made For

Coffee Fantasy | 11 | Ethiopia Adado

The design of Ethiopia Adado is centered around the African culture in Ethiopia . The scene of head-carrying practices is still an extraordinary Read More
