Coffee Fantasy | 03 | Brazil Ferreira

Coffee Fantasy | 03 | Brazil Ferreira
Riso Art Print

日曬 — 山脈上的自然風光
Fermentation — Natural scenery on the mountains

// Brazil Ferreira是一種同時擁有甜度與堅實醇厚度的咖啡,產地位於巴西一座名為 Mantiqueira的山脈上。農夫對咖啡豆風味強度非常關注,農場的所有咖啡皆採用天然日曬處理,每顆咖啡豆都沐浴在巴西溫暖的陽光下。受咖啡風味與產地特色所啓發,一顆顆巨碩的咖啡豆在畫中躺臥於Mantiqueria山脈中,感受著日照的發酵,飽滿的果實慢慢變成帶有獨特風味的咖啡豆。在陽光下,疊嶺層巒的山脈像幼滑雪糕般融化,在自帶「甜度」的色調(奶黃與螢光粉紅)配合下,滲出絲絲甜味。融入了巴西著名森巴舞(Samba)之造型元素的邊框,在碰上山脈時亦化身了熱情四射的太陽,灑下金燦燦的光輝,這亦帶出了咖啡發酵工序⸺日曬。

// Grown in Mantiqueira mountain in Brazil, Brazil Ferreira has a well-balanced taste of sweet and richness in itself. Monitoring the flavour of coffee beans in an orderly manner, farmers adopt dry processing in farming. Every single bean has been bathing under the shining, warm sunlight of Brazil. To echo the coffee flavour and growing region’s specialities, giant coffee beans are illustrated in the poster. Lying on the Mantiqueira mountainous region and processed naturally under the sunshine, the fresh, rich coffee cherries slowly transform into specialty beans with its unique flavour. Bathing under the golden sunlight, stacking layers of hill range melt like softy ice cream. The gourmand creamy, pinkish colour tone extrudes vanilla-like aroma. Samba, the passionate dance representing Brazil, is merged into the frame design. The patterns of heating sun paired with and shining through mountain ranges best visualize the fermentation process - natural processing.

Design Director: Woody Chau
Art Director: Can Chan
Illustration: Can Chan, Rita Leung
Story by: Peter Law @Espresso Alchemy

​​​​​​​© All right reserved by Never-Never

About Coffee Fantasy

// 咖啡源自阿拉伯語 “kaweh”,有「力量」以及「活力」的意思,如今更成為世界上最受歡迎的飲品之一。
因此,Never-Never 團隊在約兩年前萌生了一個瘋狂的念頭。嘗試透過融合插畫、傳統印刷及AR科技,以一個跨越時代與文化的新角度去觀看不同咖啡豆的故事。設計構思以13款咖啡卡組成一個系列,每張代表一項咖啡豆的製作工序,閱讀咖啡卡能同時了解咖啡的生成故事。裝飾邊框及背景設計,是從原產地的文化風俗、傳統衣飾、民族圖案、建築物圖騰及地理環境等方面獲取靈感。

// Coffee originates from the Arabic word 'kaweh' meaning strength or vigour, and it has become one of the world's most popular drinks nowadays. Every single coffee bean is undoubtedly the result of the efforts of local farmers. What's more interesting is that the geographical environment and culture of the region can somehow affect the taste of coffee. As [a] coffee-loving designer,  we hope to visualise these unseen parts with fine illustration.
The Never-Never team is introducing you to a creative approach to storytelling — the merge of illustrations, traditional printing and advanced AR (Augmented Reality) technology. The set of 13 Coffee Poster each represents a step of coffee bean handling, narrating the process of how coffee is grown and made.

Coffee Fantasy | 03 | Brazil Ferreira

Coffee Fantasy | 03 | Brazil Ferreira

Grown in Mantiqueira mountain in Brazil, Brazil Ferreira has a well-balanced taste of sweet and richness in itself. Monitoring the flavour of cof Read More
