Creating/Branding & Advertising Fraîche : a mock fashion/streetwear (?) brand
Fraîche was a self directed branding/advertising project created and completed in my third year at University. I wanted to combine my interest with fashion/streetwear with my course and the creative needs of the course.

My intention of this project was to create a mock brand based on the cult following streetwear brands, blended with my idea of marketing I gravitate towards to. I looked at both popular aesthetics of clothing and then brand strategy and how to reach my desired audience. 

I wanted to create a brand that was what was deemed trendy at the time, as well as what was liked by the demographic of Gen Z/Millennial. To define what exactly that was, i created an online survey for that age group to answer questions and discuss their own style and what they like to wear. The results from that survey directly effected the direction of the project. I also decided on the brand voice was to sound confident, a sort of relatability and a bit cheeky. 

Once defining the brand and some ideas for wha the clothes should say, I worked on how I wanted to website to look like, how we get the brand's personality across and speak to the consumer audience.
Unfortunately in the middle of this project, the COVID 19 pandemic had meant we had to go into lockdown for the first time, putting photoshoot plans to a stop, as well as screen-printing clothes. To work around this, I took photos of my sister in my bedroom and had to photoshop the graphics on-top of the clothes.

Below shows some of the planning and decisions made while designing the website.
Below is a screen recording of how someone could interact with the website
Fraîche | 2020

Fraîche | 2020
