I spent 2 weeks on this project. During those two weeks I wanted to use something that I was a part of, rather than edit other people’s content. I decided to also use some tools and tech that we have at my school. My idea was to add myself into an old black and white video. This would require me to film with a green screen and use after effects to add me into the video. I was filmed in a clip of me cheering, which I then exported to my computer. I had to change the file due to it making the computer slow. I then worked at keying out the green screen. While working on getting the green edges off of myself, I realized that I didn't have to be super in detail because it was going to be a black and white picture. I also learned about chroma keying and removing a green screen. I also learned about masking and creating a mask in a video, of a video. I used a mask of the video to make the second flag in the video. I used the flag to cover the fact that the green screen didn't go down to my feet. I also created another still mask in photoshop which is something that I have done before, although I used a different method this time which involved a quick mask. I also learn a little about exporting, which was a big issue this week. I figured out that animation files are large and that I can change the type of file to a QuickTime file rather than a lossless file. On top of that, I relearned some premiere keys, like I for in and O for out. 
Chroma Keying

Chroma Keying
