This was an Advertising Project Brief for Scrabble, the board-and-tile game.

Scrabble is outdated and not as relevant to the current young generation now, as it was more popular and highly played among English educated individuals who grew up with an extensive vocabulary.

Thus the aim was to highlight how Scrabble is still relevant today by making it appeal to young people and expressing how the wordy board game can also be fun.


Get the Word Out.

There is a common perception that Scrabble is a board game only made for those who have a good grammar and strong vocabulary. But even if a large vocabulary may be helpful, Scrabble is here to spread the word and inform these people that there’s more to the game than great language skills; which is why the game is for anyone.
The first emphasis revolves around how Scrabble is often played with dictionaries close by. Thus, the copy used on the tiles are actually synonyms of words we use in everyday life, highlighting that the learning and discovery of new and unexpected words actually happen along the way.
The second emphasises how shorter words in Scrabble can be as powerful with high-scoring tiles. It will feature statements of comparison where the longer words are defeated  by the shorter ones, would otherwise be impossible or untrue in real life situations.
The third emphasis focuses on how simpler words in Scrabble are able to score higher than complicated words. The situations will similarly play around with terms that may not be positive or rewarding in reality, but are very much so in Scrabble.
As a continuation, Scrabble tiles will be adapted on different objects and places through Ambient Advertising along with its respective scores.
The specific locations are chosen based upon the places where the Scrabble game 
is available for purchase in the same vicinity. These are places like shopping malls 
where people can directly get the game from Toys R Us, and subway stations connecting 
to these malls.
Those who scan the QR code on the ads will be led to Scrabble’s Instagram profile, which would feature retainer posts for the final part of the campaign. As a follow-up for people who want to expand their word count and score better points in the game, followers will be introduced to new segment called “The Word of the Week” (WOTW).

Every week, 1 new word will be posted up every 2 days along with definition, totalling up to 
3 separate words. At the end of the week, each of those separate postings will collectively join to form a final word where its meaning will be revealed on an Instagram Story. 


