Embraer Identity System

Visual Identity System

A clear challenge: Elevate the Embraer brand across all channels. One company, with one strong brand identity that consolidates the strategy and delivers a consistent language, wholly aligned with its personality: courageous and assertive, delivered with passion and commitment.

Creative directors:
Fred Gelli, Ricardo Bezerra, Renan Benvenuti
Design team:
Aline Melo, Felipe Lekich, Julia Haiad, Lucas Mayer, Marcelo Siqueira, Patricia Larica, Thai Gomes, Thomas Miller, Vinicius Theodoro
Paula Marchiori, Tania Savaget
Elen Campos
Account Executives:
Celso Onofre, Lara Lima, Paula Chagas, Ulli Ferrari
Motion / Video:
Malicia Visual
Embraer Identity System