Chantal vd Merwe's profile

Information Visualisation: South African Expats

Information Visualisation: South African Expats

You are required to do in-depth primary and secondary research based on one of the three topical themes given to you (The Future of Work, The Future of Wellbeing, or The Future of the Plane), and visualise the information gathered appropriately. The information should be visualised by creating a compelling infographic in the form of a static digital vertical narrative. 

For this project, my focus was a combination of the Future of Work as well as the Future of Wellbeing. I chose the topic of South African expats, which falls under both previously mentioned topical themes, researching the motivation behind why South Africans are choosing to migrate. The information gathered regarding immigration has been mainly based off primary research through a questionnaire sent out to multiple people and social media groups who are directly involved in immigration, or know of others who have or are in the process of immigrating to another country. The questionnaire received 297 responses, consisting of various South Africans who are working, unemployed, retired, studying, house-wives/husbands, etc. 

01 | Visual Exploration & Concept Development
02 | Digital Visual Narrative
01 | Visual Exploration & Concept Development
For the typography, I decided to use the Red Hat Display typeface due to the variety of weights that can be used throughout an infographic
Colour Palette
The colour palette is loosely based on the South African flag, but tweaked to colours that worked in more unison with one another, as well as adding a few extra colours for smaller details or larger pie charts
Primary Research
Primary Research was done through a survey, which was sent out to multiple Facebook groups related to South African expats living abroad. The survey was also sent out to family members and friends who either live abroad or know of others who live abroad. The survey received 297 responses.
Secondary Research
Aetna International (Expat insight: A South African in Canada – culture, health and well-being)
Business Insider (Covid-19 stopped a few South Africans leaving, survey finds, but job prospects still tug hard)
Business Tech (Lockdown has done nothing to stop people leaving South Africa)
Integrate Immigration (South African Expats Are Returning Home)
Mom of Two Little Girls (The Reasons Why People Leave South Africa) 
New World Immigration (Top 10 Reason Why South Africans Are Emigrating)
SABC News (Emigration company sees spike in number of people desperate to leave SA due to unrest)
Sable International (Why South African Expats Are Returning Home)
The South African (Emigration: Here's how many SA citizens are leaving Mzansi 'for good')
Trend Watching (The Future of Work)
[listed alphabetically]
02 | Digital Visual Narrative
All images used in moodboards and mockups used for projects originate from third-party sources. 
The intellectual property rights of these belong to the original creators.​​​​​​​
Information Visualisation: South African Expats


Information Visualisation: South African Expats
