Black Fry-Day _sucks.®

Every year the Black Friday comes and nobody thinks about a very important thing
for the modern human being: frying.
That's why _sucks. has decided to turn the Black Friday into the Black FRY-DAY,
and to have three of its iconic T-shirts fried by an exceptional testimonial: Maurizio Tentella.
The location, Tutti Fritti, fully represents the brand's philosophy.
All witnessed by a video on _sucks. and Tentella social channels, in which the viewer
finds himself immersed in a world made of fashion, oil and batter.

Black Fry-Day _sucks.®

Project Made For

Black Fry-Day _sucks.®

Every year the Black Friday comes and nobody thinks about a very important thing for the modern human being: frying. That's why _sucks. has decid Read More
