4 photographic studies of key moments, spaces, conditions, thresholds

The nature of this exercise is to enable  to look very closely at things 
and see their qualities but then also to understand them within their wider 

This is an oscillation between the fragment and the whole, the fragment 
particularising and the whole revealing ‘place’ 
Each pair [macro/micro] of photographs are carefully and critically 
considered to suggest a reading/condition/ threshold  and are
taken from the same location/moment. 
Collage of site 
photographic study of sunlight on site model 
by submerging the proposition into the ground,  the shadows from the trees and the river become stronger and the patterns that these shadows create can enhance the watermarks within the building 
site analysis 
Stowford Mill and its relationship to Ivybridge, Uk and the rest of the world
As the Mill 'grew' so did the population of Ivybridge did
process of paper production (embossed)
walking into the proposition
the leporello from a previous project will be exibited on the left and right as you enter to capture the lost identity of Ivybridge and act like a brief introduction to the people visiting 
the watermark room 
the watermark room entrance 
the archieve of the ''water mark makers'' 
this will be a place where all the dandy rolls will be hosted
my final presentation 
An installation that reveals something about Place and it’s potential. 
A container to house objects /artefacts from the Stowford Archive
The Mediator

The Mediator

There is a fifth dimension to every city: the collective memory of place. Memory of place does not mean rebuilding the past, but drawing on i Read More


Creative Fields