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Nike - Just Thermal

​​​​​​Just Thermal

Why Just Thermal as main concept?
Well the thermal concept include many languages in this project one of them is explore and use gradients which are a current trend in design which manages to make an effect called "eye catching" and which is the first thing people look at unintentionally that makes the message reach to more public and also appreciated by all audience no matters the age of the target since fashion and lifestyle is for everyone.

Second point is that thermal concept is something not so used in the clothing and footwear industry but... why?
if we can concentrate the message with the concept and on th
is occasion it was possible to connect in the way that the thermal cameras can denote the heat as first objetive and this is connected since in the streetwear always the people use messages wich if your sneakers or clothes you wear is very good ends up being "fire" and that is the aim for the second lenguage to imply that the whole campaign is fire

→ All images and copywriting sources provided are protected.

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Nike - Just Thermal

Nike - Just Thermal

​​​​​​​"Just Thermal" campaign concept. This project aims to be able to experiment with the Nike brand and propose a visual identity for a camp Read More
