Jennifer Boddam's profile

Sweet Cherry Tree Care

[ Brand Identity | Illustration ]
For Sweet Cherry Tree Care’s Brand identity, They came to us with really no expectations, input or ideas, just the name. That for me is really exciting, and we were up for the challenge! Our focus on the direction was “they take care of tree’s… that’s like a doctor for nature right?” So we immediately went to the idea of the medical symbol The Rod of Asclepius and how to relate that to Sweet Cherry, from there it all snowballed.
We wanted to create something young and fun because we wanted their company to speak for who they are. Wanting it to stand out from all the choices in their community. We went with the cherry tree branch and flower. For the colours we used the green colours for nature, the bright orange for safety (the darker oranges for fall.) All together creating something young and fresh that speaks to who they are as a company.

Sweet Cherry Tree Care

Sweet Cherry Tree Care
