
ARCHEVENT International Architecture and Landscape Architecture Design Competition
Sanctuary : A Place for a New Hope
3rd Place Winner
Kelvin Andrean, Muhammad Raihan Athallah, Rifki Fauzan.

This project is located in Cihanjuang, West Java, which is the site that experienced a natural landslide, on January 9, 2021. 7 months after the landslide occurred, confirmation from the government has not yet arrived, and Panonpoe is here to accommodate the healing needs of the victims.

Panonpoe (Sun), is a place to accommodate the victims of the landslide, which gradually recovers both physical and psychological wounds, by dividing the main program into 3 stages.
The gradual construction, and the manifestation of a humble design, allowed Panonpoe to immediately respond to issues related to landslide victims, who needed shelter as soon as possible, as well as to heal existing wounds and trauma. Programs that increase the productivity of the victims, while revitalizing existing sites, as well as space programs that trigger tranquility by utilizing sunlight and the sound of water, have enabled Panonpoe to successfully heal and restore the lives of people who previously existed.

Or even better.
Visualization : Panonpoe Stages