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Agriculture in India: Why is Agriculture important in Everyday Life?

Undoubtedly, Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of any country. It creates employment for a large number of people both directly and indirectly. Agriculture not only provides food to human beings but also feeds an innumerable number of animals, birds, fishes, insects, and other creatures.

Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population.

Agriculture is a very important part of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) because it contributes to around 20% of it. One can scarcely imagine where we would be if Industrial Revolution did not take place in the 18th century that saw the invention of numerous machines that eased the labor in every field of work including agriculture. It is safe to say that industrialization has speeded up agriculture by manifold molds. 

There are different types of farmers in every country. They all have different farming techniques and preferences according to their geographical location. Some farmers use farming equipment for their farming while others depend on simple tools that are easy to use and maintain. These days, many farmers are using different Indian Agriculture App that provides the latest agricultural information about several useful types of equipment, technologies, and methods that helps to identify real-time data about weather, markets offering the best prices, seeds, fertilizers, etc. Farmers are moving towards smart farming that is an emerging concept that helps the farmers in many ways to manage farms using technologies like drones, IoT, etc. 

Agriculture is such an important topic that not only affects the food we eat but also has a significant impact on our environment, economy, and society. Food is required for sustenance and survival. Agricultural activities contribute to employment, directly and indirectly, and although this is not a quantifiable statistic, it is important to note that estimated numbers range between 50 and 100 million jobs worldwide. The agriculture industry employs 1.3 Billion people of the entire global population. 

Agriculture in India 

India is the second-largest provider of food in the world. India’s production of some of the basic crops like wheat and rice is second in the world and it’s the largest producer and exporter of many crops like cotton and groundnuts. The major emphasis on agriculture for centuries has resulted in high crop productivity. This is achieved by high-quality seeds, intensive use of fertilizers and machinery, adequate irrigation facilities, and credit facilities to farmers.

The way people do agriculture today is vastly different from the way they did it centuries ago. Some people are still practicing old methods of doing agriculture but nowadays, it has become easy to get all kinds of information related to farming through the help of applications for agriculture. 

There are many Agriculture Business companies that are engaged in providing a wide variety of services like machines, equipment. Be it for cultivating paddy or any other type of crops like wheat or sugarcane; their different farm equipment has the capability to perform the best. It is designed in such a way that increases its performance and efficiency.

Different Crop Advisory App is there to help farmers to increase their performance by referring to these agriculture apps in India. It includes new ways to solve problems by increasing the availability of information or knowledge and connecting businesses to customers.

There are many apps for farmers that are available to get the latest agriculture advice, latest market price, farming tips, crop nutrient advisor, soil test service, Crop advisory, Satellite Insights, and many more. 

The main food crops of India are rice, wheat, coarse cereals, pulses, oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane, and jute. The importance of agriculture in India can be understood by the fact that India is considered to be the largest producer of various agricultural products in the world. Agriculture is spread in different places of India, but many parts are still underdeveloped. The status of Indian agriculture has changed dramatically over the years. India has witnessed a 3.5 % GDP growth in its agricultural sector which is the largest in any large country in the world.

In 2017-18, total food grain production was estimated at 275 million tonnes. India is the largest producer (25% of global production), the consumer (27% of world consumption), and the importer (14%) of pulses in the world. 

Agriculture is the main occupation in India and it contributes a major portion of India’s GDP. India is the world’s second-largest producer of food grain and the third-largest producer of agricultural products. The agriculture sector employs more than 50% of the population. Foodgrain production in India is the second-largest in the world after China. India is a major producer of fruits and vegetables. India is a leading producer of spices, pulses, tea, and jute. 

What is the importance of Agriculture in Everyday Life?

The importance of agriculture in everyday life is enormous. Agriculture is the foundation of human civilization because it provides food, fiber, forest products, medicines, and other uses. Without agriculture, humanity would have never been able to develop into the advanced societies that it currently enjoys worldwide.

Agriculture is one of the most important parts of the everyday life of every person. Agriculture has changed tremendously over the years with the advancement of technology. Technology has helped people do more work in lesser time. Agriculture today is done on a grand scale with advanced machinery to save time and money. Modern-day agriculture is all about mass production where thousands of units are produced in one go to reduce cost. Farming has evolved from being dependent on rainfall to irrigation for an uninterrupted water supply. Farmers have also changed their approach towards agriculture with the advent of modern farming techniques. Farming has become a commercial venture for many farmers with the overall goal of making huge profits.

Many people around the world depend on Agriculture for their everyday life. Agriculture is important for many reasons. It is important to your health, the environment, and the local economy. Here are some of the top reasons why agriculture is important to you:

Agriculture is a source of Livelihood:

Agriculture is one of the oldest industries which is existed since 4000 BC. Agriculture plays a big role in the everyday life of the people. Any place you go to, you will see the impact of agriculture which is everywhere even though it is not directly seen. Without agriculture, we cannot produce food for our survival and cannot produce raw materials for other industries. 

Agriculture creates Employment Opportunities:

The agricultural industry is one of the biggest sources of employment & booming day by day. When we think about agriculture we think about farmers working the fields to grow crops and raise animals but there's more to it than that. Think about all of those who work in the processing plants, the manufacture of machinery for farming, the truck drivers who bring produce to market, etc. All of these people work in some way or another to provide sustenance for us all. Thus, agriculture creates great employment opportunities.

Agriculture is the main source of raw materials:

Many raw materials such as sugar, cotton, jute fabrics, various edible & non-edible oils all come in agriculture. All these materials are important to many industries such as the manufacturing of diesel fuel, medicines, and many more. Thus, Raw materials are so important for many industries as they heavily depend on them for production. 

Agriculture Helps in Economic Development:

As we know, Agriculture is the largest employer in the world, so it plays a vital role in the development of an economy. The rate of development in the agriculture sector is gradually increasing day by day. It helps to reduce the poverty rate and helps to speed up the development of the country. Thus, economic growth depends upon the growth rate of the agriculture sector. 

Thus, Agriculture plays an essential role in everyone’s life & there is much more importance on agriculture rather than sustaining economies and creating jobs. If you want to know more about crops, techniques of farming & get Crop nutrient Advisory, Soil test service, Drone service, and more, you can refer to an AgriApp to get all these services in one place!
Smart Farming App

Smart Farming App


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