RMIT Industrial Design's profile

NEAV - Non-Emergency Autonomous Vehicle

Non-Emergency Autonomous Vehicle
by James Caia
Health Issues are a part of life that many humans must deal with on
a day-to-day basis. Accounting for 44% of stressors in Australians (Australian Psychological Society, 2015) and combined with the pressure of hospital visits, these issues can be very taxing on people’s wellbeing. For many of these people facing these issues, the trips to and from hospital can be very stressful and are much unwanted. Sitting in a vehicle watching every corner and set of traffic lights go by only makes these trips worse. However, there’s a future where this no longer needs to be the case. The probable future of Autonomous Vehicles provides us with an opportunity to create a new vehicle that can be purely for making hospital trips a relaxing and comforting experience. With drivers no longer needed behind the wheel, people will no longer need to worry about the clustered environment of standard vehicles. Sent out by hospitals the “Non-Emergency Autonomous Vehicle” of NEAV will provide people with a calming easy, stress free experience in getting to and from their hospital visits.

NEAV boasts countless interior features to make patients rides to and from the hospital calm, easy and stress free. Being able to cater for numerous demographics and users through features such as wheelchair ramps, wheelchair anchors, adjustable seating, large storage and interior mood lighting, NEAV aims to be the future of Non-Emergency patient transport. 
NEAV - Non-Emergency Autonomous Vehicle


NEAV - Non-Emergency Autonomous Vehicle
