Welcome to a space where I grant life to buildings, monuments, and statues, with a wide variety of colors and a very precise level of details, where the perspective and the chosen forms create an environment where architecture finds its home in my creative mind, a place to belong.

7 WONDERS it's the biggest project I have been working on, for my 1 Year anniversary I wanted to create something big, with a lot of work behind and mint it in the blockchain, and so I did.

I draw the new wonders of the world with a big versatile color palette, from a perspective where the ones looking at them would feel the place, would feel that they are in the place, and grant to the monuments/buildings a place where they should be, a magical place.

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                                    TAJ MAHAL
The Taj Mahal is the masterpiece of a funerary monument built-in 1654, after more than 20 years of construction in which 20,000 workers worked under the direction of 37 outstanding craftsmen and architects. The total construction cost is estimated to be equivalent to 500 million USD today. The monument included precious stones such as sapphire, amethysts, quartz, and even diamonds and white marble that he had to transport to the area on the back of elephants. The Taj Mahal is considered the most beautiful example of a palace, a style that combines elements of Islamic, Persian, Indian, and even Turkish architecture.

Petra is an important archaeological location in the middle of the desert of Jordania, also called "The Lost City", since to western Europe it was discovered in the 18th century. The illustrated monument is The monastery with 45 meters high and 50 meters wide. There are many magnificent monuments in Petra, but the monastery is one of the most important.
There is little physical evidence about who built Petra more than 20 centuries ago, was it the Nabataean nomads or the Edomites who were inhabiting the area before them? It remains a mystery ...
Machu Picchu, Translated from Quechua means "old mountain", is the ancient Inca Indian town, built before the 15th century. The city of Machu Picchu is located halfway between the Andes and the Amazon forest, at 2430 meters above sea level in the south of Peru.
The founding of the city begins when the location impressed the Inca monarch, and for this reason, he gave the order to start the construction of an urban complex with luxurious civil and religious buildings in which the population belonged to an elite.
The Great Wall of China is the most ambitious engineering project ever built by man. The construction of the wall begins in the 5th century BC. and was finished after several pauses and new beginnings in 16th century. The construction materials have been changing according to the dynasties that reigned in China, the Ming dynasty was the stronger and more elaborate construction in detail, due to the use of bricks and stone in the place of rammed earth. The reason for the construction of the wall is quite simple, to protect themselfs from the nomadic enemies that inhabited northern China for thousands of years.
The Colosseum is an amphitheater from the time of the Roman Empire, built in the 1st century AD, and was the largest of those built in the Roman Empire. The colosseum in ancient times had a capacity for about 65,000 spectators, where gladiator fights, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and plays based on classical mythology took place.

Its inauguration lasted 100 days, with the entire Roman people participating in it and dozens of gladiators and beasts dying in its celebration who gave their lives for the pleasure and spectacle of the people.
Chichen Itza consisted of a city that was mainly inhabited by the Mayans and later by other peoples who occupied it. Also called the temple of Kukulkán (feathered serpent), it was founded in the XII century AD, it is a pyramid with four sides and 24 meters high that culminates with a temple on top.
The Mayans are well known for their sacrifices to the gods, mostly as children, who are dressed in the image of the twin gods and sacrificed in ceremonies linked to the Mayan myth of creation.
Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer is one of the most influential statues in the world and in Christianity. With more than 30 meters high and located on the mount of Rio de Janeiro, the statue of Christ has a view of the entire city. The statue was inaugurated in 1931 and is currently the third largest statue of Christ in the world.
The original construction is made of ferroconcrete, but the change in the color and material in my illustration is due to the inspiration of the Olympic games held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and their award categories; Gold, silver and bronze.
The Illustrations are 5 of 5 editions on Open sea, but only the Jesuses are 1 of 1 each.

Golden,Silver and bronze 1 of 1 Edition Statue of Christ the Redeemer is the award for the first persons to collect the six 5 of 5 editions of this project. Only the true Collectors  can have them.
7 Wonders

7 Wonders
