Dominic Fakhry's profile

Manifesto Text & Video


Design for a Dystopian Future
The two collectives of values I hold most resembling to me is Independence & Resourcefulness. When undergoing tasks specifically those related to design I prefer to work independently as I am able to cut out any distractions allowing to achieve optimal focus & productivity. I force myself to begin early each day with consistency. My resourcefulness comes from getting the absolute most of both the time I’m allocated to a specific task and the shortage of equipment I have at my disposal. Instead of spending time going to gather up some resources I save my time by making the most out of whatever I manage to scavenge within my surroundings. As a designer I view functionality and aesthetics as 1A to 1B in terms of importance. I slightly favour functionality as I feel what the product is able to deliver to the user should warrant more attention than what the product appearance to the human eye. However to design a product is a healthy balance of both with heavy considerations to the intended users. To be just a designer or even a good one wouldn’t be enough to feed my hunger, I want to be great at what I seek to do for a large chunk of my life.
‘’Rest at the end, not in the middle” (Kobe Bryant)
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” (Tim Notke)
These two quotes spin around in the back of my mind every day to remind me to never think about resting in the middle of what I’m doing and to use my relentless work rate to surpass those who are able to get by with minimal efforts.
I have developed both an interest for physical and mental disabilities. Designing products or systems which focus on user impairments gives me that extra fuel to keep on advancing forwards in the evolution of my designs. I understand money can buy anything but time which is why I don’t waste it.
Design Perspective
Designs which provoke thoughts or challenge minds places itself in the speculative range. On a global scale pandemics are becoming apart of our current life, it’s something which has taken the world by surprise while being difficult to extract from the planet.
Their I believe focusing design on something greater than what is happening now, for something of a future dystopia should be ignored no further. Starting now for the future allocates society enough time to prepare, however if we choose to delay for a longer period of time the global pandemic occurring at this time will seem like child’s play compared to the growing issues of global warming change on our planet.
In user centre design, there are many factors which should be taken into consideration when designing. Specifically sustainably correlating with the global problem being tackled. Also worth considering greatly is the limits we set ourselves as a society.
Approach for the Future
The approach is to imagine an Earth on it’s last days of inhabitants by gathering ideas and inspiration from fictional books and sci-fi movies. This allows for a grand scale wicked problem to be solved on a global level. This method truly stretches the minds of designers to their limits while in turn resulting in a simplistically complex solution to the problem. It is important to set the standard so high as any attempts towards the stars will fall well after the trees. Aiming big will achieve big or not far from it whereas aiming small can fall just below small which results in a useless development of ideas.

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Manifesto Text & Video

Manifesto Text & Video


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