Wakeboard Ronix
Hi guys!

I have made a movie about Ronix brand.​​​​​​​ In my video, all shots contain 3D animation, and they seamlessly go one into another. Some 3D models I crafted myself and others I found on the Internet.

I analyzed the Ronix brand and its community. For me, it was important to capture why one chooses wakeboarding and specifically Ronix. This guided me on what style for my shots, colors, music. Mostly, I use vivid colors to convey the right mood and atmosphere of wakeboarding. Speaking of the music, at first I added a pretty aggressive soundtrack but changed my mind then. I watched a ton of Youtube clips with the best wakeboarders, wake surfers, and kitesurfers. For sure, chill and relaxing music is much more trendy nowadays.

Also, I use real footage in my work. My goal is to make it a natural part of my animation.​​​​​​​
Still Frames
I am a passionate wakeboarder myself. It's so much fun, you know)
Thanks for reading this, I'll be glad to see your feedback!
Wakeboard Ronix


Wakeboard Ronix
