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Inktober 2021 Third Analysis Posting

DAY 11:   SOUR
     There is some more work here with glass and transparency. In hindsight, a few highlights would have brought the pitcher to life. As for the subject matter, it was a play on the "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" cliché, but then matters become worse despite an attempt at positivity.

    I enjoyed drawing the pile of bones, especially the skulls. I imagined them fitting into a world reminiscent of Looney Tunes or Merrie Melodies. The initial idea was going to have some caricature creature looking at the final climb and thinking about giving up, but a giant pile of bones got the idea across with less to read.

DAY 13:   ROOF
     This was my first time trying to use ink to render snow. On top of trying to shade snow correctly, it was supposed to be in moonlight. It looks satisfactory, but if anyone has good examples of realistic snow using pen or pencil, I would appreciate the references.

DAY 14:   TICK
     I was inspired by the bestiary illustrations and scientific drawings often seen in old scientific journals and accounts of the New World. This is my favorite drawing so far. I enjoyed the fine, fine attention to detail in this drawing and delicate linework.

     Video game design shares the same space as costume design for plays and cinema. Any design created has to be reasonable for the computer modelers and animators to create. Also, the design has to be easy to read on screen while looking memorable. This helmet design took cues from some of the most famous helmets in video game history: Master Chief, Isaac Clark, Samus, Pilot of Titanfall, and N7 of Mass Effect.

     I tried using a brush for filling in the silhouette. Unfortunately, I have not paper available that plays nice with that much ink. It became crinkled and lost some of its depth. Using several heavy books overnight, the paper returned mostly to normal.

    I was afraid to color in the background due to my previous experience of using the brush to ink. I think it would have helped the collision really pop off the page. I did take the time to add details to the planet and moon, adding small particles to increase visual interest.

Inktober 2021 Third Analysis Posting


Inktober 2021 Third Analysis Posting
