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Inktober 2021 Second Analysis Post

Day 4:   KNOT
     I was able to show two different ropes, one is natural fibers and the other is artificial, using a few pen strokes. The knot seen here is a double fisherman's knot. It is one of the strongest knots possible for tying to bitter ends together. A "bitter end" is the end of a rope on a ship.

Day 5:   RAVEN
     The raven drawn here is not dark enough to be a true raven. However, I was inspired to take a few features of Edgar Allen Poe, such as his hair and trademark scarf, and applied them to the raven's design. I added the blowing ribbons to add motion to the image.

Day 6:   SPIRIT
     I used only two nibs. A thicker nib for the wall and ground was used for solidity. I used a fine detail nib for the spirit; I wanted him to seem barely visible.

Day 7:   FAN
     I used a similar technique here as SPIRIT. The woman's hand, neck, and hair are made with the fine detail nib. The rest of the drawing is made with the thicker nib. The lines are smooth, controlled, and purposeful. The linework reinforces the impact of the image.

Day 8:   WATCH
     This is mostly a simple drawing of a watch in a display case. The unexpected element here is on the watch face. A question is raised by these contrasting factors: a normal watch behind glass and an anomalous face.

     In all honesty, I felt very uninspired by the prompt. The design here was supposed to represent the pressure of urbanization on natural resources, but that is very hard to read.

Day 10: PICK
     I enjoyed designing different doors with unique door frames and handles. The pictures above the doors is also part of the story being told here. In an added note, only one door allows entrance.
Inktober 2021 Second Analysis Post


Inktober 2021 Second Analysis Post
