This print ad was in response to a Longhand contest, judged by Neil French and Indra Sinha. It was nominated as one of the best pieces. 
Brief: Create a print ad that would make Gambler, a whiskey sold in pouches, appear appealing to whiskey loyalists. . 

Problem: No whiskey lover liked consuming whiskey from pouches. the concept itself sounded extremely downmarket. 

This ad was in response to a Longhand contest, judged by Neil French and Indra Sinha. 
The Brief: Create an ad for Gambler whiskey, which came in a pouch. 
The problem: Whiskey lovers do not like consuming whiskey from pouches.                                For this reason, nobody went for Gambler. 
Our Aim: To change the perception regarding whiskey in pouches. 
This piece got  shortlisted. 
Gambler Whiskey

Gambler Whiskey

This print ad was in response to a Longhand contest, judged by Neil French and Indra Sinha. It was nominated as one of the best pieces.
