The Artwork of "Mazzika": an animated music video for the DJ duo "A-Squared"
The visuals are a production of the company GME, a video production house. I was responsible for scripting and storyboarding the project, and creating all the illustrations and rotoscopes. The animator added movement to the static elements, while the marine animals, hands, and lips were all referenced and rotoscoped from sourced videos.​​​​​​​
My inspiration came from the works of Gabriel Alcala, Danii Pollehn, Laura Normand, Hansol Kim, and STATE7 STUDIO.
We aimed for a very simple illustration style, and a bright but not fully saturated color palette.
I had a lot of fun working on this project despite the insane time crunch; I grew as a designer and have landed my first steps as an illustrator.
The artwork below is the highlight of the video, along with some shots of the storyboard and script, ending with the finished music video itself.
Script and storyboard.
One of my favorite scenes in the video, I believe it captures its essence very well.
Frame-by-frame illustrations of my hands playing the opening keyboard sequence.
The singing cup was an element that I fought for; it adds to the surrealism of the whole thing, and gives the viewer a comic relief.
A nod to Space Invaders.
The spaceship is a recurring element in the video, and the gyroscope was inspired from a concert where A-Squared were playing.
Side profile of the vocalist, Amina Khalil.
The heart sequence, pinnacle of the song.
I recorded myself singing the lines, and used the video to rotoscope my lips. Since it was a very specific movement and with so little time, I could not hire/recruit someone to record it instead.
Although this scene was animated differently than from what I imagined, I still enjoyed working on it. rotoscoping the whale was a tedious albiet very rewarding task in the end.
Song title incased in the orb, used sporadically throughout the video.
The scenes above, and others.
The final video.
I hope you enjoyed the project, your feedback will be very appreciated.
Mazzika - Artwork

Mazzika - Artwork
