If you only think about it for a second: “Become the host and  thoughts will be guests.” -OSHO
If you only think for a second that you are pure consciousness, pure love and your body is just a vehicle that you have choose to have a human experience.
If you just think for a second that your thoughts do not identify with who you are. That you are an observer of your thoughts. 
A thought is a psychological phenomenon that arises from the subconscious without our will. Observe it. Become the observer not the observed.
This is what I was experimenting when I was taking those lines. It was so clear, so easy to make the difference between my thoughts and who I really was. I was a soul having a human experience so that’s why I had thoughts, loads of them.
But I could perfectly observe and identify my thoughts. So they didn’t harm. They were neutral, they were there. 
With stillness I was the observing. And they where running away up and down side to side in a infinite maze. Confusing and contradictory. I could try to understand with the mind, to make them mine, to make them me. But there was no way because they were far away from who I was. 
I was the most pure and biggest manifestation of love, here in Earth, trying to remember so. 
I was.
 I am. Here, I’m this present moment and nothing else exists. 
You are


You are
