Akarsh Goyal's profile

Humbly, Human - Care package (nonprofit initiative)

Humbly, Human
 A Non-profit Initiative to raise funds for the families affected by Covid19.

Humbly Human is an endeavor, a wish, and if we may, a burning desire to let people feel like their relational selves again by giving, taking, receiving and believing. 

It is important that we know our privilege and be not just grateful but to do more than just the bare minimum.

That's one of the reasons we have started this journey.
Get your hand on this hand made care package and 
send it to your loved ones! be there for people, albeit from far!

There's a lot to taste, smell, touch, see and even to HEAR in this care package, specially curated and crafted with humble intentions, to be able to be there for people as much as we can.

Allow your loved one to indulge in all their senses and let them know you #CareToShare
50% of the profit will go towards helping India fight the relentless COVID-19 battle.

Humbly, Human - Care package (nonprofit initiative)

Humbly, Human - Care package (nonprofit initiative)
