   I truly long for shoots like this: early morning, tired eyes, but the light is simply uncontested. When the stars of weather, model and car aline, it makes for a laid-back morning that lets me walk around with a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
   While shooting this absolutely precious piece of history, I tried to imagine what it must've felt like to drive off the lot in one of these. Brand new, 1956 Porsche 356 Speedster. I read somewhere the original price of one of these in 1948 was just south of US $4,500.00. Simply, jaw-dropping. This car in particular isn't kept to be in perfect condition, but instead looks as though its owner has spent many days on the road, and enjoyed the car to its full potential as they should have.
A huge thank you goes out to three detrimental people who were crucial in making this shoot happen.

Bryan Grant
Owner of the beautiful car and property used in these photos. Without the patience and generosity of Bryan, this shoot would not have been possible.

Marrin Haskell
Swinging in last minute to save my butt, yet again. Always beautiful and keen to shoot. That attitude always inspires me to shoot.

Bobby D
For showing me a photo of the eye-catching car you see today.
Photos & Edits by: Sawyer Edworthy
Prints available on Pikcha
Model: Marrin Haskell
Thank you Bryan Grant


