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Backlinks are a huge factor in not only signaling to Google that you are an authoritative and credible site but also helps to determine your Domain Authority score. According to Backlinko, Backlinks are one of the most influential factors in search ranking. Not only are they important on the back end of your site, but they also signal to individuals on other sites that you are trustworthy. The more authoritative domains mention you, the more likely you will be perceived as a trusted source. Also, the extra links create another “backdoor” for online traffic to direct itself onto your site.

At WorldPressIT, we don’t engage in any type of black hat SEO tactics, or link buying. Black hat SEO consists of buying links, usually of low-quality in order to gain short-term rankings. This practice is strictly against Google guidelines and will hurt a website in the long run. Instead, we work with our clients to create great shareable content and promote that content to bloggers, journalists, and other influencers in order to gain a mention from other authority sites. This is a white-hat editorial approach that also builds long-term value for your website and brand.

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Wordpress GPL Plugins

Wordpress GPL Plugins
