Cyndi Marasigan's profile

Online Attendance System

Online Attendance System
Attendance is one of the administrative activities that faculty members must complete before beginning to work. It can take up valuable time at the start and sometimes be difficult to manage. It can handle the faculty members, faculty admin, and admin office. It monitors and tracks in real-time and summarizes the attendance and downloadable file.
The unique identification number is needed to fill up to access the system. 
The Login button will lead the user to their dashboard and automatically time in in their attendance.
The dashboard after you Log in on the website. It automatically time in to the system and count your working hours.
Shows the logs of the user.
This shows when you have issue in your log and you want to send a remark to the admin or ask for overtime (this happen when the faculty wants to overtime in that particular date)
After sending your remark to the admin this will show to the screen for confirmation of the issue.
The admin only have the access to see the user details and records.
Admin user interface after clicking to the users name. They can change the date that can be covered for the file to be shown (run report) or downloading it in a csv file. 
This will show after downloading the csv of the specified user.
If there is an error this will show to the users monitor and there is a button to go back to their dashboard.
My work at Figma :) feel free to critique my work :))
Online Attendance System


Online Attendance System
