CAWA is a water jar conceived under a new perspective. It’s an object that answers two simple questions. Why do we serve as we serve? Why are water jars as they are? Traditionally water jars were made to transport water up and down, and this defined the shape they had. Nowadays water jars have their own place in homes, and this may change things.
Since the function of the water jar is no longer to transport, a revision of the object is perfectly possible. Taking the concept of gesture as the leitmotif of my project I have developed a jar where pouring water is reduced to a simple movement of the arm, making the act of serving more gentle and effortless for everyone. Since the way of use has changed, so will its shape. That enabled me to do design a new aesthetic approach to the object. The result is a very simple but functional object that provides the user a new experience when serving water.


Final degree Project
