‘A Tragic symphony’ is a reminder for everyone to take responsibility of the environment and appreciate them while they are around us. 


A dystopian world where nature is either disappearing or is not real!  Our technological advancements we talk about might consume us leaving with nothing but a virtual reality. The technologies are taking over our lives, that we don’t appreciate even the mundane beauty around us.  We are so consumed by the media and might not even get the opportunity to see these in the years ahead.
Digital Futures was a course that helped me learn a new way of thinking creatively.
Focusing on the keywords: Color, form and texture, this project includes processing of data into a generative art. Using creative coding and images I took around in Manchester, the concept revolves around making the mundane interesting. The pixels in my work represent the advancing technologies over us. While the trees represent humans and the natural world. 

I dedicated my inspiration of colors from the Black mirror season 3 episode 1 ‘Nosedive’ (2016) which addresses the modern days insecurity. We live in a world (social media) which looks all attractive and engaging. But these are all deceiving and make us do unbelievable and unimaginable things just to get a ‘like’ from them (people who we don’t even know). In this piece, the pixels are depicting this nature of social media into our lives.


Inspired by the animated movie Wall-E (2008), the colors used here represent a world which is destroyed. Also, the concept comes around like in the movie. 


Soon, augmenting your surroundings will become as essential as a cellphone if you want to participate in employed living. This panel is a concept of Augmented Reality. The nature seen partially through the pixel, is it real or play of AR! Keeping the colors as the present reality to give the effect of an augmented world.


I used analogue methods to disintegrate the fabric, to represent dystopia. The fragmented square pixels as metaphor to see and appreciate possessions outside the digital world, in addition to the mundane being devoured by the hi-tech innovations.

A Tragic Symphony

A Tragic Symphony
