Bobbin Lace, 2021

When I was a child, my mum taught me the craft of bobbin lace making. It's a method that weaves threads held on bobbins and pins on top of a pattern and pinned to a pillow. My mother was passionate about this craft and used to teach me and made custom pins with my small toys. My pillow for bobbin lace making had the head of a stuffed teddy bear on top. It was so unique and special.

This illustration connects me with past time. To the craft that my mum taught me and now I have forgotten, to the Spanish culture that I am no longer a part of but that lives in me. It connects through lace, fabric and nature, two disconnected places I share. My Spanish cultural background and the place I consider my home now, Scotland.

Thank You
Bobbin Lace


Bobbin Lace
