Albert Balbutin Jr.'s profile

Vaccine Awareness Brochure for Seniors or Older People

As vaccines slowly make their way through the Philippine population, it was found that seniors were still apprehensive in taking them. In some areas only up to 20% of seniors had been vaccinated. Unfortunately fake news and/or fear of side effects had not helped in reaching more and more of our lolos and lolas.

The Coalition of Services of the Elderly or COSE decided to create a simple, printable, and copy-friendly brochure for older people and their families. I created a set of characters including older persons and doctors to help portray the vaccine information.
COSE translated official vaccine awareness campaigns from the Department of Health into Tagalog. From this I illustrated the characters based on the information.

I then made a layout centering the characters, surrounding them with the information which was placed into speech bubbles. The artwork and layout had to be made so that the final brochure could be copied, printed, and folded before being disseminated to the communities.
A copier-friendly replica of the brochure was made with more contrast so that it could be easily copied using most copy machines. We printed a copy with just black ink and thankfully it was still clear and legible.
The characters were loosely based from a previous design I made for COSE highlighting their Universal Social Pension campaign. You can see that below:

Vaccine Awareness Brochure for Seniors or Older People


Vaccine Awareness Brochure for Seniors or Older People
