Jesse Brown's profile

Portfolio - Jesse Brown

Earths Medicines; Local company that produces natural skin care products. This line art was created to be printed on their bottles. The inspiration behind the double amputee athlete was to add diversity to the brand.
Reeg's Gardenscaping; Local garden maintenance business. Logo designed for the company.
Remarkable Creations; Local wallpaper business. Logo designed for the company.
Fresh Fruit Helensvale; Contracted advertising used to promote the business and their produce on social media.
Website Development; Masonry site built up using only HTML and CSS.
App Development; Mock designs for a game preview app using Figma.
Responsive Website Development; 4x4 accessories website built using HTML5 builder.
Localsearch Projects; Working with a range of small-medium businesses, callaborating with multiple departments. My role was to research, gather information, organise meetings with the client and to give design instructions for their website.
Portfolio - Jesse Brown

Portfolio - Jesse Brown
