Cartões Portais

Se tem algo que me envolvia era ler as portas do banheiro da Federal de Santa Catarina. Após alguns anos, encontrei registros que trouxeram esse ambiente de volta à vida e me instigaram a criar uma série experimental de cartões postais, explorando a fronteira entre o público e o particular. *Os créditos vão aos autores anônimos desse diálogo infinito (eu apenas registrei e interagi com eles).

If there was one thing that involved me, it was reading the bathroom doors at my university. After a few years, I found some records that brought this environment back to life and prompted me to create an experimental series of postcards, exploring the boundary between the public and the private. *The credit goes to the anonymous authors of this continuous dialogue (I just registered and interacted with them).

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Cartões Portais

Cartões Portais

If there was one thing that involved me, it was reading the bathroom doors at my university. After a few years, I found some records that brought Read More


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